Pacific Retina Specialists

Treating Macular Holes to Improve Vision

Jan 22, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Dr. Parks
Tagged with: Retinal Diseases Eye Care

Regular eye exams are important because they allow doctors to continually monitor the health of the eyes. As a patient ages, the eyes continue to grow and change, often affecting a patient’s vision. While some changes in vision and clarity are a natural result of aging and can be corrected with the use of prescription lenses, others are signs of a more serious condition, such as a retinal disease. Retinal diseases are conditions that negatively affect vision and overall eye health, making it imperative that these conditions be addressed as soon as possible. While many of these conditions can be detected at a routine eye exam, it is crucial that patients report any changes in vision or unusual symptoms to their eye doctor right away. One condition that may be experienced by patients as they age, or after an eye injury, is macular holes. Dr. David Parks offers Beverly Hills patients macular holes treatment that can improve vision and prevent the progression of this condition.

What Causes Macular Holes?

The macula is the small collection of nerve cells that are located in the center of the retina. This part of the eye reacts to light and helps focus images. A macular hole refers to a collection of nerve cells that become separated and pull away from the back of the eye. Macular holes can affect vision in a number of ways. Patients may feel as if they are seeing images through a foggy, clouded lens, it may be difficult to focus on the small details of an image (at both up-close and far distances), and patients may notice a dark spot in their field of vision. While the cause of macular holes is not always clear, the following factors may result in the development of macular holes:

Treating Macular Holes

In rare cases (if the macular hole is small and not affecting vision), Dr. Parks may not recommend immediate treatment, but will instead choose to monitor the condition. However, in most cases, even a small macular hole will continue to grow, so treatment for macular holes is necessary in the majority of cases. Treatment for macular holes involves a surgical procedure that is performed using local anesthesia, meaning that the patient is awake for the procedure, but will not feel any pain or discomfort. In this procedure, eye’s vitreous fluid (a gel-like substance) is removed, along with any small tissues that are near the macula. The eye is then filled with a sterile gas that will continue to put pressure on the macula while the hole heals. Surgery to close macular holes is extremely successful as long as patients follow through with post-surgical care, which requires patients to keep the eyes in a downward-facing position for one to two weeks after surgery. This position keeps the gas in place and helps the macular hole to close.

Schedule an Appointment

Visual imperfections or disturbances, especially ones that seem to come on suddenly, may be a sign of a serious eye problem. If you have noticed a concerning change in your vision, Dr. David Parks can provide you with the quality eye care you deserve. Schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience to learn more about the services offered at Pacific Retina Specialists. We look forward to hearing from you!