Pacific Retina Specialists

Vitrectomy Side Effects

Dec 5, 2018 @ 01:03 PM — by Dr. Parks
Tagged with: Vitrectomy

The vitreous humor is a gel-like substance that sits between the lens of the eye and the retina. Made up primarily of water, the vitreous cavity gives the eyes their round shape and accounts for about two-thirds of the total volume of the eye.

The vitreous is meant to keep the center of the eye clear so that light can reach the retina, thus allowing for clear, focused vision.

Unfortunately, there are many conditions that can cause the vitreous gel to become cloudy or bloody. Retinal disorders may also develop and compromise the vision. Retina treatments can address complications to improve vision.

However, in some cases, the vitreous gel needs to be removed to allow full access to the retina. This procedure is called a vitrectomy. A vitrectomy is known as a highly safe and effective procedure, but patients may experience vitrectomy side effects following treatment at Dr. David Parks’ Beverly Hills, CA eye care center.


Any time patients undergo surgery, they are likely to experience inflammation at the treatment site. A vitrectomy is no exception.

Patients should expect the treated eye to be swollen for several days. Although there should be marked improvement within the first week of vitrectomy recovery, it can take several weeks for the eye to completely heal. Patients can help alleviate inflammation by drinking plenty of water and applying ice packs around the eye periodically.

Red Eyes

The eye is manipulated during the vitrectomy procedure, so it is not surprising that it appears red and irritated in the days after treatment. Between the blood-shot appearance of the eye and swelling in and around the eye, some patients say it looks like they’ve just been in a fight.

Fortunately, the redness usually does not last long. Within a week, most patients feel more comfortable with the appearance of their eye.


Many patients experience discomfort and irritation in the first few days following a vitrectomy. Much of this discomfort is associated with the inflammation that develops within the eye.

As inflammation subsides, discomfort should ease as well. Any discomfort should be easily managed with an over-the-counter pain medication.
If medication does not provide relief, or if patients are experiencing a deep, throbbing pain, they should report it to Dr. Parks as soon as possible so that he can rule out complications.

Blurry Vision

There are many reasons why a patient might need a vitrectomy, but in most cases the procedure is performed to improve vision. Because of this, many patients are concerned when surgery is complete and they are still experiencing blurry vision.

However, this is a normal side effect of a vitrectomy. It can take several days, or even several weeks, for the eyes to fully recover and for the vision to be restored to its full potential. Dr. Parks will schedule follow-up visits with patients to monitor the recovery process and see how vision is improving.

Contact Us

If you have questions about vitrectomy recovery, or would just like to learn more about the services offered at Pacific Retina Specialists, contact us at your earliest convenience. You can set up a personal consultation with Dr. David Parks by calling our practice at (310) 289-3666.