Pacific Retina Specialists

Testing and Diagnosis of Retinal Detachment

Jul 10, 2013 @ 06:17 PM — by Dr. Parks
Tagged with: Retinal Detachment

Potential eye injuries of all kinds need to be taken seriously. By meeting with an eye doctor as soon as possible you can have your issue addressed and your vision can be restored, or at the very least any vision loss you experience can be halted. Sometimes through early diagnosis, you can avoid invasive therapies such as eye surgery.

Right now we'd like to look at the issue of retinal detachment and discuss how it can be identified and successfully diagnosed.

What is retinal detachment?

The retina is the light-sensitive tissue located at the back of the eye. Retinal detachment refers to cases in which this tissue tears or peels off from the back of the eye. This can happen as a result of injury, changes to the vitreous gel within the eye, advanced diabetes, and various eye disorders.

Why is retinal detachment serious?

When the retina detaches, it results in vision loss which may be difficult to remedy. In some cases, the patient's vision cannot be restored in full. By detecting retinal detachment early, the team at our ophthalmology and eye care center can help you maintain your vision in the long run.

Symptoms and Signs of Retinal Detachment

Some of the most common signs and symptoms of retinal detachment are as follows:

One of the ways that you can help you doctor or eye care specialist in the diagnosis of retinal detachment is to mention these issues to them. Communication really is key to good eye care.

Testing for Retinal Detachment

There are different tests and methods that an ophthalmologist can use to detect retinal detachment. These are as follows:

Treatment Options for Retinal Detachment

Once retinal detachment has been identified, there are several treatment options that may be considered. The methods of treatment can vary. In some cases, laser surgery may be used. It's also not uncommon for the vitreous gel in the eye to be replaced or for gas to be injected into the eye in order to address tears. During your consultation with an eye doctor, you will find out which treatment will be best suited to your needs.

Learn More About Your Vision Care Options

For more information about all of your options for vision correction and eye health restoration, be sure to contact our ophthalmology and eye care centers today. By visiting with our team, we hope to provide you with worthwhile answers about vision care and put you on the road to total wellness.