Pacific Retina Specialists

Vitrectomy Treatment

May 10, 2012 @ 03:32 PM — by Dr. Parks
Tagged with: Vitrectomy

There are many different services that we offer at our Los Angeles eye care center. Many of these treatments will restore your vision and improve your overall eye health in the process. One procedure that can be particularly helpful for various retinal conditions is the vitrectomy. This is a procedure you may not have heard of, but we assure you it's a valuable treatment to consider for many different patients. Let's take a brief moment right now to look at the vitrectomy procedure and what it means to patients.

What is a vitrectomy?

A vitrectomy refers to a surgical procedure in which some or all of the vitreous humor within the eye is removed and replaced. The vitreous humor is the clear gel within the eye that fills the space between the lens of the eye and the retina. At our retina and ophthalmology center in Beverly Hills, the vitreous humor is replaced with a safe, sanitary saline solution.

Why a Vitrectomy is Performed

A vitrectomy is performed in order to deal with retinal disorders. Sometimes when a retinal detachment takes place, a vitrectomy is performed. The same goes for tears or rips in the retina. The same may occur if there is a clouding of the vitreous humor, or if there is blood in the vitreous gel that does not clear out naturally.

The Vitrectomy Procedure

The vitrectomy procedure is performed with a patient under local anesthetic and full sedation. Since the surgery can be involved and requires roughly two to three hours, it's important that patients not be conscious during the procedure.

Using delicate instruments, the surgeon will make small incisions in the white of the eye. Through these incisions, the vitreous gel will be removed. If the retina needs to be repaired at this point, the surgeon will make the necessary revisions. Once that is completed, a solution is then used to replace the solution, with special care taken to ensure proper pressure within the eye.

Recovering from Vitrectomy

After a vitrectomy has been performed, it's common for patients to spend the night in the hospital to be monitored. Occasionally a vitrectomy can be performed as an out-patient procedure, though this must be taken on a case by case basis.

We ask patients to arrange for transportation to and from the practice on the day of the vitrectomy. We also recommend that patients have a friend or family member with them for the first day or two after surgery for support and to assist around the house. You will need to maintain certain postures and positions to ensure that intraocular pressure is not affected.

Other Matters to Consider

While recovering from a vitrectomy, be sure to note any undue pain or discomfort. Be sure to contact our Los Angeles ophthalmologists if you notice any of the following:

Learn More About Vitrectomy

There is probably more that you'd like to learn about the vitrectomy process. If you would like to learn more about the vitrectomy procedure and other matters related to eye care and retinal care, be sure to contact our Los Angeles ophthalmology center today. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person and discussing these matters in greater detail.