Pacific Retina Specialists

Foods that Are Good for the Eyes

Jan 7, 2012 @ 09:57 PM — by Dr. Parks
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If you want good vision that lasts as long as possible, its important for you to take good care of your eyes. That means wearing sunglasses when youre out in the sun, wearing protective goggles when playing sports, wearing protective eyewear when around hazardous materials, and making the right decisions about your general health. In many cases, the best kind of Los Angeles eye care is preventative care.

A Good Diet is a Kind of Preventative Care

Eating right can help prevent cataracts as well as various retinal diseases and conditions. Its important to stay healthy in general since all body parts are connected. Since a good diet is important for promoting good, lasting health, it makes sense that eating right can help maintain good eyesight.

Essential Vitamins and Nutrients for Optimal Vision

There are a few vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are particularly good at improving eye health. These include:

Vitamin A

Vitamin C



Beta carotene


Omega-3 fats

There are many foods out there that contain these, some of which well mention below. While you could take supplements to help meet your daily requirements for each of these, we do recommend eating the actual foods when possible since there are other great health benefits to them beyond just helping the eyes. (They also taste great.)


You dont need Los Angeles ophthalmologists to tell you something that youve probably heard since childhood: carrots are good for the eyes. Theyre a great source of beta carotene.


Spinach is not just a good source of iron, it is also a fine source of beta carotene, vitamin C, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Make like Popeye and have it in your salad or even in sandwiches and spaghetti sauce.


Another great source of vitamin C, broccoli is nutritious and easy to incorporate into various dishes whether raw or steamed.

Brussels Sprouts

Some people think Brussels sprouts are disgusting, but they probably havent had this great source of vitamin C prepared right. Roasted or sauted with the right seasonings and theyre quite tasty.

Sweet Potatoes

A nice source of beta carotene thats easy to prepare, sweet potatoes can be easily served and made into delicious dishes.


Salmon is a great source of protein and is also a great source of omega-3 fats. Be sure to have a fillet every once in awhile for the health benefits.


Like salmon, these fish are great for getting your omega-3 fats. Theyre also rich in calcium, vitamin B12, and vitamin D.

Bell Peppers

A great source of vitamin C, bell peppers are a real crisp treat thats easy to incorporate into a lot of dishes.


Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene, which is an antioxidant vital for preventing numerous health problems down the road.

Getting the Treatment That You Need

While these foods can help on the preventative end of things, its important to get the vision treatment you need when you need it most. For those cases, our ophthalmology practice serving Los Angeles is here for you and your family.

Learn More From Our Retinal Health Specialists

Would you like more information about how you can best preserve your eyesight and maintain your vision? If so, then be sure to contact our Los Angeles retinal health and ophthalmology practice today. The entire team here awaits your visit and looks forward to discussing various eye care concerns in more detail.