Retinal Procedures

Pacific Retina Specialists provides laser retina surgery and vitrectomy to treat damage to the retina caused by diabetes and other conditions. There are many treatments, medications, and procedures that can be used either alone or in combination to treat common eye diseases. With early detection and treatment, some diseases can be reversed or improved.

  • Laser Procedures
  • Intraocular Medication Injections
  • Vitrectomy

To learn more about how our retina treatments can protect your vision, contact our practice serving Beverly Hills, Lancaster, and Guam.


Diagnostic Testing

Laser Procedures for Diabetic Macular Edema and Proliferative Retinopathy

Macular Edema

A procedure known as focal laser treatment is used for cases of macular edema. A beam of high-energy laser light is used to seal leaking blood vessels. This will not improve vision, but stabilize it. Since macular edema is a progressive condition, it can only be slowed, not cured, and repeated treatments are required to control new outbreaks.

Proliferative Retinopathy

The laser is used to destroy abnormal blood vessels that form in the back of the eye in cases of advanced diabetic retinopathy. Since hundreds of small flashes are required to shrink the blood vessels, there will be some loss of peripheral vision, and possibly a reduction of color vision and night vision.

Since there is a risk of new outbreaks, repeated treatments may be required to protect vision.

Intraocular Medication Injections

Intraocular medications are an effective way of medically modulating abnormal retinal blood vessels that may be leaking fluid. Depending on the retinal problem, Dr. Parks may recommend injections of steroid medications to reduce retinal swelling, or anti-vascular endothelial growth factor medications such as Eylea® (aflibercept), Avastin® (bevacizumab), or Lucentis® (ranibizumab) to stop the growth of abnormal blood vessels that occur in age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and other retinal diseases. Intraocular steroid injections, either with triamcinolone, or Ozurdex® (dexamethasone) implants are an effective way of medically modulating abnormal retinal blood vessels that may be leaking fluid. The injections are performed in the office after the eye’s surface is made numb with the anesthetic. Patients rarely feel any discomfort with the procedure. There is some transient blurring of the vision after the injection that subsides within a few days.

We can administer intraocular injections in the office using local anesthesia to ensure your comfort.



In cases of sufficient blood or scar tissue in the vitreous to blur vision, a vitrectomy may be performed at our ophthalmology centers. The cloudy vitreous is removed and its volume replaced with a mild saline solution similar to that which the body would naturally produce over time to replace the vitreous.

Vitrectomy is often performed with local anesthesia and sedation. You will not be completely asleep during the operation, but you will be very relaxed and feel no pain. Dr. Parks makes three tiny incisions in the sclera, or the white of the eye. Next, three small instruments are used through the incisions to remove the vitreous, insert the salt solution into the eye, and provide light for Dr. Parks to see the critical structures inside the eye.

You may be able to return home soon after the vitrectomy, unless you live a long distance from our clinics, in which case you may be asked to spend the night at a nearby hospital. A protective patch may be appropriate for a day or two, and, since your eye will be sensitive, eye drops may be used to reduce irritation and protect against infection.

Floaterectomy with a 27-Gauge Instrument

At Pacific Retina Specialists, we use a 27-gauge instrument to remove vitreous floaters. The small size of this instrument allows for the greatest level of precision during surgery.

Retinal Angiography

To ensure the best result from retina surgery, our offices are equipped to provide comprehensive testing. Dr. Parks will use the results of these tests, as well as his extensive training and experience, to plan the treatment most appropriate to each patient.

Our testing procedures include:

Fluorescein Angiography

Fluorescein angiography involves the injection of fluorescein, a yellow dye derived from vegetables, into the hand or arm. A series of photographs are then taken of the retina. The results are used to help diagnose certain retinal disorders. In some cases, such as diabetic retinopathy or macular degeneration, the angiogram allows Dr. Parks to determine the best way to treat the condition, such as with a laser surgery, medications, or traditional surgery. There are minimal side effects to fluorescein angiography, and we will discuss these in detail prior to your procedure. The study takes about 15 minutes, and we use digital imaging systems that allow for instantaneous results. In addition, patients may drive home or return to work following the procedure.

Indocyanine Green (ICG) Angiography

ICG angiography is a more specific angiogram used to help diagnose the presence of abnormal vessels in the deeper layers of the retina and subretinal tissues. This is particularly useful in certain types of macular degeneration.

We also offer a full range of tests to detect diabetic retinopathy, macular holes, and macular degeneration.

Dr. David J. Parks

Are You Ready For Better Vision?

Pacific Retina Specialists specializes in the medical and surgical treatment of ocular complications of diabetes, age related macular degeneration, retinal detachment, ocular inflammation, and other retinal diseases. Schedule an appointment at one of our conveniently located offices in  Beverly Hills, Tamuning, and Lancaster.

You can reach us online, or by calling: (310) 289-3666

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